Company Background
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Contact Information:
Mail: PO Box 1512 Saginaw, MI 48605-1512   Address: 2719 State St., Saginaw, MI 48602
Telephone 989 793-7373  Fax 989 792-4199   E-mail the CEO:

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Michigan Property Consultants L.L.C. was formally organized in 2001 and accepted its first client in February of that year. However, its expertise has been gathered since January of 1972 when its founder was first certified in property tax administration by the state of Michigan. During a 30 year career with the city of Saginaw, Michigan skills were honed in the area of property taxation and economic development. Additional opportunities arose from the founder's service as an Environmental Hearings officer for the city as its agent purchasing and disposing of various properties and from all the interactions afforded in economic development that one might expect in an environment rich in businesses ranging from one person operations to international firms. Each grew in its own way and each had a unique pattern of growth, contraction and asorted challenges.

The company routinely operates in several capacities. It focuses on Michigan's real and personal property tax laws. The firm does not have expertise in income tax issues. Michigan Property Consultant's assists both governmental units and private parties.

Some readers prefer to see what others have said about us or to see who has retain us rather than read something produced by the firm. If you are in that category, please go to the links in this sentence. Otherwise, a brief description of our services follows. If you don't find what you are looking for, please call and we'll see if we can help.

Areas of routine practice

In summary, if you represent a private business, Michigan Property Consultants L.L.C. represents firms needing to interact with government units. We've assisted property tax appeals, planned strategies which maximize a client's tax incentives, guided clients seeking protection from potential environmental liabilities, assisted in basic property pre-purchase planning and sought other benefits as needed.

If you are a homeowner concerned about your tax burden Michigan Property Consultants L.L.C. helps clear up the uncertainty, frustration and anger over residential tax burdens and will help you plan your own appeal in a way that keeps your costs low

Areas of routine practice

In summary, Michigan Property Consultants L.L.C. works with units of government to keep costs down while addressing issues related to a community's economic health, providing reports and statistical data, writing brochures and seeking grants. Favored services include our inexpensive presentations regarding tax capturing and tax abatement programs and the overview presentation on special assessment districts and apportionment of costs.

We have particular expertise in crafting job generation strategies and applying tax incentive laws specific to real and personal property - without giving away the farm to attract new jobs. Our experience and practice includes residential, commercial and industrial development. This company has been serving government clients since 2001 and its principle had been employed in property taxation and economic development activities by a municipality since 1971.

This page provides background information on the Company's CEO.

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Tax Breaks Described