Confusing property tax forms?

We can help taxpayers who are struggling with forms or property tax issues.

Here is what a couple of teleconference customers have said:

     After speaking with us, Mark, felt comfortable enough to pursue an appeal on his own. He stated ..."The meeting at the Board of Review went very well ... I received the results from the protest which shows the assessed value changing from $38,500 to $29,900 ... Thanks again for your help and it was a pleasure doing business with you."

We will help taxpayers process their own appeals. We fill out simple small claim forms for your use, inspection and signature - only Fifty Dollars. Telephone consultations only $30. Calls limited to maximum 30 minute duration.

      Concerned about costs and benefits of a proposed special assessment and the Special Assessment District (S.A.D.), Margaret wrote to say: "Thanks for the information. We were able to get 50% of the S.A.D. people to vote no."

     If you are uncertain of what to do, why not call Michigan Property Consultants for advice? Our teleconference is cheaper than your cable or telephone or satellite bill and you could save hundreds of dollars. Our professional advice can often lessen, and even take away, the confusion and anger associated with tax notices. Calling may provide you some peace of mind. Your health is important too.

     Some callers simply want to know more. If you just want to learn a little about Michigan?s property tax system, procedures and tax breaks, call us. Let us help reduce the unknown and strengthen your business acumen.

     Finally, it may be you are just tired of slogging through page after page of general information on property taxes. We'll get specific. We will address your problems one-by-one.

     Michigan Property Consultants is a small firm, proud of its mid-western work ethic and service. We want to provide our clients with the benefits of professional, personal service based on almost 40 years of experience in matters of property taxation. We don?t sell real estate, we don?t appraise real estate, we are not lawyers and we don?t do income taxes. We do focus on matters of real property taxation and special assessment administration within the state of Michigan. Our CEO has served for many years as Chairman of a property tax appeal board and teaches classes used for state assessor certification. His written work has been honored by his peers. Our goal is to provide information that will enable our clients to make informed decisions as to whether or not an appeal is warranted and if one is, guidance on how to work with the local assessor and Board of Review to correct any inequities. Such a solution saves everyone time and money.

     Except for special assessment appeals, we do not become involved in litigation. We do have working relationships with professionals in law and brokerage and would be happy to recommend several firms for your consideration if a need for their services exists.

Call us at 989 793-7373

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