Welcome to the CEO Page of

Contact Information:
Mail: PO Box 1512 Saginaw, MI 48605-1512 Address: 2719 State St., Saginaw, MI 48602
Telephone 989 793-7373 Fax 989 792-4199 E-mail the CEO: mpc@michiganpropertytax.com
The CEO of Michigan Property Consultants
L.L.C. is Joseph M. Turner. Since 1972, Mr. Turner has been in the "trenches" participating in a broad range of
local government initiatives, property tax issues and real estate markets. Information that follows documents his unique blend of solid academic training and hands on professional experiences. The combination has resulted in the publication of various articles acclaimed for their practicality and usefulness, teaching assignments lauded by students, and effective, cost minimizing solutions for clients.
- Education, training and certification
- Mr. Turner has an
Associate in Science Degree,  
a Bachelor's Degree  , a Certificate in Real Estate with "Academic Distrinction"
from University of Michigan's School of Business, special training and
state certification as an assessment administrator.
- Entrepeneurial
- Over the past 35 years, his entrepreneural experiences include ownership of a sod company, a real estate appraisal firm, a software production company and an economic development firm
- Government
- Mr. Turner served more than 20 years in a Municipal Assessor's office
- He had 10 years Service as an Economic Development Specialist in local government
- He currently is certified by the State of Michigan at Level III in Assessment Administration.
- He served as a municipal "Environmental Hearings Officer"
- He was the primary author of the City of Saginaw, Michigan's Brownfield Redevelopment Plan and contributed to a national symposium regarding Brownfield Redevelopment.
- He has extensive experience with NEZ (Neighborhood Enterprise Zone) activities.
- Hearings and Administrative roles
- He has served for more than a half decade on a property tax Board of Review and currently serves as its Chairman
- Mr. Turner served from 2002 through 2009 as Chairman of the State of Michigan's APCO Frequency Coordination Committee
- Mr.Turner was appointed to serve on the city of Saginaw, Michigan's Charter Revision committee and temporarily acted as the committee's Chair
- Professional Memberships
- American Economics Association
- APCO (The Association of Public Safety Communication Officials - International)
- IAAO (International Association of Assessing Officers)
- Leadership Alumni Association of Saginaw County
- Michigan Assessors Association
- Michigan Public Safety Frequency Advisory Committee
- RAM (Real Estate Alumni - University of Michigan)
- Saginaw Basin Land conservancy
- Saginaw Bay Watershed Initiative
- Saginaw Board of Realtors
- Tri-County Economics Club
- Publications and Recognition as an Expert
- Mr. Turner's comments have been published in periodicals with both state and national circulation.
- Mr. Turner has been invited to speak in a variety of forums
- He served as an officer in Chapter 118 of the Society of Real Estate Appraisers and was a "fee" appraiser holding both a real estate salesman and Real Estate Broker's licenses.
- He served for more than a decade on Michigan State University's MP/EDA Statewide Advisory Committee
- Mr. Turner has been qualified as an expert witness on property tax matters by Michigan's District and Circuit Court
- Michigan Tax Tribunal Judge Spencer, in Baker-Perkins, Inc. V City of Saginaw, wrote of Mr. Turner's work "I believe, both appraisals were prepared by expert appraisers."
- Mr. Turner has won awards and other forms of recognition
- In 2010, Mr. Turner (as Michigan Property Consultants) was awarded contract RFP 271Q001 by the state of Michigan to write two chapters of a State Tax Commission document. The two chapters were: Chapter 12, Exemptions that affect Real and Personal Property; Chapter 17, March Board of Review. The
chapters provide guidelines for administering property tax legislation dealing with ad valorem property tax exemptions, tax abatements, tax capturing authorities, special assessments, various tax incentive programs and extensive guidelines, rules and aids for the operation of March, July and December property tax Boards of Review.
- Teaching and Lecturing
- 2016 Course Number 356 Saginaw Valley State University's OLLI program: Property Taxation & Valuation
- Mr. Turner, has taught and continues to teach a course for assessor certification on special assessment administration
- Since 2001, he has taught and continues to teach a course for assessor certification on tax incentives, tax abatements and tax capturing authorities
- He has been a guest lecturer for both graduate and undergraduate degree courses taught at Delta Community College and Michigan State University
- He has been paid to present information on economic development and property taxation in several forums
- He has been qualified as an expert witness by Michigan's District and Circuit courts with testimony accepted on matters of property taxation, special assessment administration, economic development and the geographic distribution of value from a natural resource.
- Mr. Turner spoke in June 2009, at the invitation of the International Association of Assessing Officers, on values relevant to the administration of special assessments involving natural features (specifically lakes)
- Mr. Turner provided a written narrative and training for assessors on the value of natural features, in August 2013, at the annual convention of the International Association of Assessing Officers.
Unique Expertise:
Mr. Turner has had unique experience in community telecommunication issues. The experiences were gained by participation in functions such as: overseeing a municipal Emergency Communications Center, primary authorship of the 1990 state of Michigan's amateur radio section of the state Emergency Operations Plan, service on Saginaw County's "technical" committee for the purchase of a multi-million dollar trunked 800 MHz system, negotiating leases for cellular towers, calculating municipal property taxes for telecommunication sites, and oversight of FCC delegated licensing and frequency coordination processes in Michigan via service as chair of the Michigan Public Safety Frequency Advisory Committee (MPSFAC). This committee controls the assignment of police and local government radio frequencies. Mr. Turner participated in development of Michigan's 800 MHz plan and in 2001 was selected by other committee members to Chair Michigan's Region 21 700 MHz Planning Committee (task completed December 2007). He was the principle author of the state's response to a federal Notice of Proposed Rule making related to Broadband Over Powerline (BPL) issues.