520 Jameson St., Saginaw, MI 48602 Tel. 989 793-7373 E-Mail jturner@michiganpropertytax.com |
Consultants in matters of the Michigan property tax and special assessment administration |
Certified in Michigan Assessment Administration since 1972 |
Now Semi-Retired We accept only Special Assessment Issues and $30 Telephonic Consultations |
2017 Honor: Company CEO, Joseph Turner, is both humbled and honored to have received the 2017 Francis Moss Award, given by the Michigan Assessors Association to the author of an article judged to
best contribute to the advancement of the assessing profession. Thank you members of the MAA.
First Class we'll teach in 2023 has been approved by STC for 6 hrs CE; approval pending by CE Marketplace (Real Estate Professionals)
2023 ELEMENTS OF PROPERTY TAX PRORATION (In person class, Thur. July 27th, Saginaw, Michigan) REGISTRATION FORM
2018 State Tax Commission Approved Class. 4 Credit hours ELEMENTS OF PROPERTY TAX PRORATION Jan 30th application form ;
New for 2018 State Tax Commission Approved Class. 6 Credit hours (Note: this class is new and not the old special assessment course. Due to a posting problem at the STC website, there will be no late registration fee for this course) THE THEORY OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT May 22, 2018 application form
New for 2018 State Tax Commission Approved Class. 6 Credit hours (Note: this class is new and not the old special assessment course.) THE THEORY OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT July 12, 2018 application form
New for 2018 State Tax Commission Approved Class. 6 Credit hours (Note: this class is new and not the old special assessment course.) THE THEORY OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Sept. 11, 2018 application form
To provide our government, corporate and private clients with effective property tax strategies
that will minimize their costs and maximize the benefits they seek.
We intend to provide the advantages of professional,
personal service based on more than 40 years of experience. We intend to provide educational programs, publish works of benefit
to practitioners, create reports addressing the specific concerns of our clients and provide dispute resolution and
solutions for property tax and special assessment problems. We don't sell real estate, we don't appraise real estate,
we are not lawyers and we don't do income taxes. We can fix problems; often at a lower cost than others. That ability
exists because company personnel have served on a property tax Board of Review, defended government assessments; worked
as independent real estate appraisers and in tax assessment offices. Michigan Property Consultants wishes to remain a
small company focused exclusively on matters of real property taxation, special assessment administration and economic
development within the state of Michigan
Michigan Property Consultants is a small firm, proud of its mid-western work ethic and
service. Our CEO has been selected for many years to teach assessment classes and
to serve on various advisory committees. His written work has been published in many forums
and has been honored by his peers.
On the lighter side, grandma's favorite saying: "Where will you be sitting during enternity ... smoking or non-smoking?"
Want to know how much people make? For the average weekly wage of people in Michigan county-by-county? Click here